On this page, I will introduce a latch register for "Signboard 2" using PIC. This is the latch circuit for the LED of the signboard. There is a latch register by the general logic IC(Like 4034B : 8 Bit Universal Bus Register). To latch with 8bits x 16rows, 16 pieces of IC are needed. Their IC is 24 pins generally. To mount them, a lot of space is needed. The circuit to introduce here is the circuit which used two CPLD(XC9572-PC84). In one CPLD, it is made to have the latch function of 7 bits x 8rows by the limitation on the number of the pins. The binary code of 4 bits is used for the selector to specify a row. Each IC has 4-16 selector. It controls eight rows which are different in each IC.